Kim Kardashian: Less is More
Celebrities might set trends, but sometimes they shouldn't be followed. Put your best face forward by not imitating some of the biggest makeup offenders in Hollywood. Here, experts point out serious makeup don'ts and offer up more flattering solutions. Just because it's applied well, that doesn't mean Kim Kardashian's makeup is a "yes." The reality star has such a gorgeous face, so why muck it up with a boatload of liner and gloss? Jaclyn Peresetsky, esthetician and owner of Skin Perfect Clinic, says that Kardashian's natural beauty could really benefit if she didn't hide behind so much makeup. "Her eyes are mesmerizing, but her use of heavy eyeliner and artificial eyelashes are overwhelming. A simple liner applied and a taupe shadow with a light application of mascara will let her eyes be seen," she points out. A little less of everything will make you look younger. "Heavier makeup should be just an accessory, not define who you are." Peresetsky adds. Read More http://beauty.ivillage.com/slideshow/beauty-style/hollywood-it-girls-due-for-makeunders-how-to-avoid-their-beauty-blunders/kim_kardashian_less_is_more.html#ixzz1JsOc993J Sign up for iVillage Special Offers